CHO Area
Organisation Programme Area County CHO Area Amount Year
Community Health Organisation 9 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 9 have established a supported employment programme via the IPS model. Evidence based audits have been undertaken to inform the community living transition plan that is being developed across the region and strong relationships with local authorities and voluntary housing bodies are in place.


Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Dublin CHO Area 9 €200,000 2018
Ability West

This project developed Family Networks in Galway which built on the skills of families to advocate on their family member's behalf. 56 families were involved in the project, which also established a family-to-family support network for those involved, which helped to develop support and capacity building for families. Project reference number S136

Capacity Building
Galway CHO Area 2 €26,890 2010
Ability West

This project supported 16 school-leavers to avail of respite with families in the community instead of within a traditional residential respite service. 30 families were trained in community respite and the initiative also launched a website on Home Sharing Respite which can be accessed at Project reference number 40

Alternative Respite
Galway CHO Area 2 €50,000 2011
Acquired Brain Injury Ireland

Pathways supported six people with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) who were living in nursing homes, assisted living houses and family home to move towards living as independently as possible within their community. Each person was supported to help create the life they wished to lead and helped establish that people with all levels of ABI can be supported to live in their own homes. Project reference number 844

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 6 €130,000 2012
Advancing Recovery in Ireland/HSE WEST

The project involved the setting up of a Recovery College across Roscommon/East Galway mental health catchment area. People using services, family members, carers, mental health professionals and other interested parties in the community have been involved in the co-production, delivery and in attending recovery-focused educational courses. Project reference number 3679

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Roscommon CHO Area 2 €76,340 2014
Áiseanna Tacaíochta

This project supported four people to establish a system for managing their own funding and directing their own supports. This progress has allowed the participants to have a greater sense of empowerment in directing their own lives. Project reference number S156

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €60,000 2010
Áiseanna Tacaíochta

This project assisted four people to receive support to live independently, to take control of new areas of their lives and make a range of sustainable choices using the HSE funds available to them. Specific training was provided to develop capacity and skills to manage direct payments and there are current plans underway to expand this initiative nationally. Project reference number 2619

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €50,000 2013
Alzheimer Society of Ireland

This 3 year project developed a dementia friendly community response for people with dementia to remain connected and engaged with life roles and activities of interest, underpinned by individualised support services tailored to individual needs. Project reference number 320

Individualised Supports
Mayo CHO Area 2 €699,579 2012
Alzheimer Society of Ireland Sligo

This project developed a Home from Home model of community living/alternative respite for 24 older adults with mental health difficulties. Project reference number 841

Mental Health
Alternative Respite
Sligo CHO Area 1 €146,266 2012
Aras Attracta, Swinford, HSE West

This project supported an individual currently living in an institutional setting to move to a home of his own in the community. By working with the person, an individualised plan based on his own preferences was developed and put in place. The project also built capacity within the service to provide this type of individualised work to other people. Project reference number 856

Community Living
Mayo CHO Area 2 €7,000 2012
Áras Folláin

Support from people who have ‘been there’ is highly valued by people with mental health difficulties. This project has developed a regional network of peer support in North Tipperary, Clare and Limerick. A total of 242 users of mental health services received training in Wellness and Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) and Advocacy Training and 23 people were trained as trainers to work within the network. Project reference number S283

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Tipperary CHO Area 3 €110,000 2010
Ard Aoibhinn Services

This project developed a framework for the provision of a Home Sharing scheme and home-based respite and family support services within Co. Wexford for 11 people. Nine host families and 14 staff were also trained in the provision of home-based respite. Project reference number 30

Alternative Respite
Wexford CHO Area 5 €66,200 2011
ASD Initiatives

The purpose of the Autism Leaver Transition Project was to develop and deliver a programme for 19 young people that was autism informed as well as person and family-centred. The initiative consisted of a flexible and integrative blend of strategies to provide options and realistic choices for the young person as they transition from school to the adult world. Project reference number 2405

Supporting Young People
Louth CHO Area 8 €197,756 2013
Ashoka Ireland for Specialisterne

This project developed a plan to introduce an initiative already established in Denmark and Scotland which provides employment opportunities in the IT sector for people with autism. This has led to the launch of the initiative in Ireland in 2012 with the intention to create 50 new jobs across the country over the next 5 years. Project reference number S289

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €20,000 2010
Aspect Autism Spectrum Support Service

This project supported parents and carers of people with Autism Spectrum and a mental health difficulty to build a collaborative relationship between Aspect Services and mental health services. Ongoing liaison with Cork mental health services has been developed and workshops have been held for parents which were jointly facilitated by both services. A manual has been also been developed so this programme can be run more widely. Project reference number 3681

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €45,027 2014
Autism Spectrum Disorder Initiatives

This project provided a training programme that has enhanced the skills of people with autism and their family members. A total of 254 family members and 22 staff received training and a further 98 people were trained as trainers in the field of skills enhancement, further increasing the capacity of the organisation to sustain this programme. Project reference number S311

Capacity Building
Louth CHO Area 8 €17,440 2010
Ballyfermot Chapelizod Partnership

This project was aimed at developing the confidence, skills, knowledge and experience of people with mental health difficulties and their families to participate effectively in decision making. A total of 41 participants were recruited and engaged in the co-production of a training package aimed at responding to the identified needs of this group in a holistic and person-centred manner. Project reference number 3684

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €23,500 2014
Ballyhoura Development

This project supported people with mental ill-health/distress to develop the skills and confidence to achieve personal progression and occupational fulfilment. There were 255 beneficiaries from the initial project. Continuing support if required will be provided by the employment facilitator, staff  and support partners. 19 people were also trained as WRAP facilitators/community connectors. Project reference number 843

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Limerick CHO Area 3 €46,250 2012
Bealach Nua Steering Group

This project trained relative peer support workers to provide a weekly drop in service to families when relatives are in-patients at Mayo General Hospital Adult Mental Health Unit. To date the project has linked with 48 families and 14 families have been supported long term. 160 Family members and staff have availed also of Behavioural Family Therapy (BFT) training. Project reference number 3685

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Mayo CHO Area 2 €56,870 2014
Beam Services and Cairdeas Tullow

This project provided respite for 49 people in the individual’s own home as an alternative to institutional respite. An emergency response respite system was also developed which can take place within the person’s home, which was invaluable for families in times of crisis or emergency. Project reference number 2506

Alternative Respite
Carlow CHO Area 5 €90,000 2013
Blanchardstown Centre for Independent Living

This project worked with nine people to enable them to live in their own homes in the community. As a result of the project, five people moved to the community where they now live active and inclusive lives, while four others were supported to move at an individualised pace. Project reference number 38

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €120,000 2011
Bodywhys & HSE West Sligo MH Services

Based on the concept of peer learning, this project was a direct response to the support and social needs of families and carers of those affected by eating disorders. The project provided a safe, confidential, non-judgemental and supportive environment for families and carers to explore issues related to eating disorders. Project reference number 2508

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Sligo CHO Area 1 €10,558 2013
Bredagh House, HSE Galway

This project supported eight people living in HSE accommodation to become more involved in physical activities such as soccer, cycling, swimming and walking which can be very beneficial to mental health and well-being. Project reference number 859

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Galway CHO Area 2 €3,500 2012
Brothers of Charity Galway

This project developed an innovative 'Shared Living Scheme' which supported seven people with severe intellectual disabilities to move from an institutional setting to living with a host family/individual in their local community. This project demonstrated the various living options that can be made available within community living. Project reference number 848

Community Living
Galway CHO Area 2 €201,520 2012
Brothers of Charity Roscommon Services

This project delivered community-based respite for people with learning disabilities. This initiative supported 32 children with alternative respite in the community totalling 925 days overall and providing a real alternative to institution-based respite. Project reference number 853

Alternative Respite
Roscommon CHO Area 2 €73,500 2012
Brothers of Charity Services Clare

This project supported 15 young people to become self-employed. The project brought together interested people and community-based support networks with a track record in social enterprise and to develop a tested step-by-step guide for self-employment that can be shared countrywide. Eight of the participants became employed or self-employed by the completion of the project. Project reference number 1415

Supporting Young People
Clare CHO Area 3 €80,138 2012
Brothers of Charity Services Galway

This project enabled six people with significant intellectual disabilities currently living in an institution or other congregated living arrangement to realise the right to independent living and community inclusion. The TRIPLE I project was based on a belief that people with disabilities can and should be part of their communities and that communities can be fully inclusive of everyone. Project reference number 2562  

Community Living
Galway CHO Area 2 €152,000 2013
Brothers of Charity Services South East

This project developed a Homeshare scheme for children from the South Tipperary area with moderate to severe/profound intellectual disability, enabling a reduction in the provision of centre-based respite in favour of family-based respite services. Project reference number 2494

Alternative Respite
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €25,795 2013
Brothers of Charity Services, Clare

The Family Focus project provided extensive support to families to identify and secure the services and supports most relevant for their family member to live as independently as possible in the community. Over the course of the project, one person was supported to move into his own home and 52 family members took part in workshops focusing on various ways of supporting their family member. Project reference number S044

Capacity Building
Clare CHO Area 3 €260,000 2010
Brothers of Charity Services, Galway

The Contract Family Scheme recruited and trained 31 families in Galway to care for children with disabilities in their own homes. The children and the families were carefully matched based on shared interests and demonstrated how respite breaks can be community rather then institutionally-based. The organisation has continued this initiative and a residential respite unit has been closed. Project reference number S024

Alternative Respite
Galway CHO Area 2 €206,300 2010
Brothers of Charity Services, Galway

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Galway CHO Area 2 €300,000 2018
Brothers of Charity Services, South East

This project supported eight people to move from campus-based residential settings to their own homes in their communities. In addition,the project supported the participants to source work experience and employment opportunities and were supported to make connections in their new community. Project reference number S062

Community Living
Waterford CHO Area 5 €40,000 2010
Brothers of Charity, Roscommon Services

This project demonstrated new support options for nine people who were moving out of an institution to their own homes. By providing support tailored to each person, all participants moved to private rented accommodation and were supported to be full and active members of their local communities. Project reference number S002

Community Living
Roscommon CHO Area 2 €58,000 2010
Brothers of Charity, Southern Services

This project developed a Home Share /Contract families where families provide in home respite to people who has always accessed institutional-based respite. Over 700 days and 400 nights respite were provided and helped to develop a thriving network of host families in the local area. Project reference number 862

Alternative Respite
Cork CHO Area 4 €105,700 2012
Business in the Community / Reach, National Learning Network

The initiative provided individually tailored, structured and supported employer-based placements for five people with complex mental health difficulties who wished to progress to employment. Project reference number 2484

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Dublin CHO Area 9 €40,820 2013
Camphill Community Mountshannon

This project supported a young person to move from an acute psychiatric unit to live independently in the community. Over the course of the project, 22 staff were also trained in Wellness and Recovery Action Planning (WRAP), peer support training and eight people also attended a Train the Trainer course. Project reference number 25

Mental Health
Community Living
Clare CHO Area 3 €35,400 2011
Carlow/Kilkenny Service Providers Forum

The aim of this project was to design and provide supports that are flexible and responsive to the person with dementia and their carer, particularly for people with more complex needs related to the advanced stage of their dementia which will enable them to remain in their own home. Project reference number 3180

Individualised Supports
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €100,000 2014
Carriglea Cairde Services

This project supported two women to move from a residential unit to live in a home within the local community. By choosing their own home, as well as the services and supports to enable them to live as independently as possible, the participants were able to become full and active members of the locality. Project reference number S066


Community Living
Waterford CHO Area 5 €106,811 2010
Cavan Rehabilitation Service

Three young people were supported in their recovery with the specific goal of moving from 24 hour staffed HSE accommodation to independent living. The project offered practical peer support and education about mental illness and supported the people and their families throughout the transition. Project reference number 2449

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Cavan CHO Area 1 €51,929 2013
Cavan/Monaghan Mental Health Service

Cavan/Monaghan ARI group developed the role of a recovery co-ordinator to deliver on a recovery college for the area. The co-ordinator undertook consultation with stakeholders to develop relevant and meaningful course content in the college and delivered a comprehensive user-led education and training programmes by establishing a Recovery Education Centre. Project reference number 3692

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Monaghan CHO Area 1 €55,000 2014
Cheshire Ireland

This project has supported 46 to date to move from congregated settings to a home of their own. Each person was actively involved in the planning and process of the move and choose their own supports. Where possible, the use of mainstream supports are encouraged and other community-based social and recreational activities as per each persons' interest are also supported. Project reference number 866

Community Living
Carlow CHO Area 7 €871,875 2012
Cheshire Ireland

This project assisted seven people with physical disabilities to move from an institution into their own homes and enabled the closure of an institution. The project employed a Community Transition Co-ordinator to help the participants to establish links and new friendships within their communities and make the transition easier. Project reference number S065

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 6 €280,000 2010
Clann Resource Centre

This project developed a weekly respite drop-in for carers and the person they supported and worked towards developing carer skills based on an individualised, inclusive approach. Project reference number 874

Mental Health
Alternative Respite
Galway CHO Area 2 €14,000 2012
Clare Mental Health Services, Rehabilitation & Recovery Service, HSE

This project assisted seven people towards gaining paid employment based on their individual strengths, interests and preferences. Through the implementation of the Individual Placement and Support model, which emphasises job placement first, followed by support and training, two people gained short-term employment. Project reference number 3694

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Clare CHO Area 3 €46,150 2014
Clare Mental Health Services, Rehabilitation & Recovery Service, HSE

This project focused on community living and supporting people to move from a high support mental health unit. It led to the closure of a residential facility and the implementation of supported community living for 14 former residents. Project reference number 992

Mental Health
Community Living
Clare CHO Area 3 €246,066 2012
Clare Mental Health Services, Rehabilitation & Recovery Service, HSE

This project supported the closure of two medium support residences in the mental health services and supported 13 people to move to their own homes in the community. Over the course of the project, 14 people and four staff also received training on Peer Support Mentoring and Mental Health Recovery. Project reference number 99

Mental Health
Community Living
Clare CHO Area 3 €49,000 2011
Cluain Mhuire

This project supported individual capacity building for recovery through community and service development, using the framework of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). Project reference number 2551

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 6 €70,000 2013
Clúid Housing Cork

This project supported people with mental health difficulties to move towards greater independence within the community by providing flexible and individually tailored supports promoting inclusion, aspiration and wellbeing. 94 people to date have been supported to sustain their tenancies and remain living in the community. Project reference number 836

Mental Health
Community Living
Cork CHO Area 4 €36,000 2012
Co. Wexford Community Workshop (New Ross)

This project provided an individualised alternative to sheltered occupation services and supported 89 people to independently access work, training and recreation services within their own  community. The project also supported the transition of sections of the service into standalone businesses that are owned and run by those involved in the project. 61 people took part in training, 36 undertook work experience and 14 participants found paid employment or became self-employed. Project reference number 1395

Supporting Young People
Wexford CHO Area 5 €398,410 2012
Community Health Organisation 1 Disability Services

Five reform initiatives were selected that reflect the needs identified through the stakeholder engagement across Community Health Organisation 1 in Day Service Supports & Alternative Respite. These reform initiatives will act as peer models for the process and change involved. The programmes are Social Buddies Programme; Cregg Day Service; Spraoi agus Sport Alternative Respite for Young Adults; Connect Hub, Sligo;Satellite Outreach Programme, and the Ballytivnan Training Centre, Sligo.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Cavan CHO Area 1 €740,418 2018
Community Health Organisation 1 Mental Health Services

CHO 1 is focusing on improving services in youth mental health, supporting people transitioning from residential units, hostels and acute units towards independent living and helping people with employment via Individual Placement and Support.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Donegal CHO Area 1 €1,500,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 2 Disability Services

Community Health Organisation 2 will focus on the reform of day services for young people across the region.  This will involve supporting those currently attending a traditional day service through a transition phase to a more person-centered community based service.  These services are Western Care Association, Mayo; Roscommon Disability Support Group; Brothers of Charity Galway; OC Rehab Group; Link Galway and Ability West.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Mayo CHO Area 2 €629,437 2018
Community Health Organisation 2 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 2 is currently supporting people to secure and obtain employment via the IPS model of employment, and a Housing Coordinator will support the transition of people from residential units and hostels to their own homes in the community.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Mayo CHO Area 2 €200,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 3 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 3 is focusing on supporting those living in mental health institutions and hostels to move to their own homes in the community, helping people into employment using the IPS model of supported employment, as well as various recovery based initiatives across the region such as the development of person centred discharge planning processes and family supports.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Limerick CHO Area 3 €1,500,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 4 Disability Services

Community Health Organisation 4 is focussing on reforms in the areas of Community Living, Alternative Respite and the Reform of Day Services. These will provide person-centred, community based care for people using these services. The participating services are St. Mary's of the Angels and the COPE Foundation (transition to community living). Kerry Parents and Friends, ABI and Enable Ireland Kerry (alternative respite). Cork Deaf Association and pARTicipate Programme - National Learning Network (day services).

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kerry CHO Area 4 €526,153 2018
Community Health Organisation 4 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 4 are currently supporting people to move to their own homes in the community from hostels and institutions through the post of a Housing Coordinator and to support people to secure employment in the region via the Individual Placement and Support model of employment.


Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kerry CHO Area 4 €200,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 5 Disability Services

Community Health Organisation 5 will focus on reform of respite provision in the region, providing new community based respite alternatives for people using the service. These will include Home Sharing Family breaks of short and medium term duration; “Shared Living” Family which will provide full-time, foster-type respite; and Summer Camps which will deliver alternative Day Respite service for children with high support needs for the months of July and August 2018 in South Tipperary and Carlow/Kilkenny.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €400,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 5 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 5 is developing a new model for delivery of recovery oriented services in line with the National Recovery Framework. Two major stands of work within this new model are supporting people to return to and remain in work; and to establish a model for supporting person centred transition from institutional settings to community based living.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kildare CHO Area 5 €1,616,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 6 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 6 is currently working on reform in the region in the areas of supported employment (Individual Placement and Support model), supporting people to move from hostels and mental health units to their own homes in the community, developing the understand of recovery in Children's and Young Peoples services and staff capacity building and training.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Wicklow CHO Area 6 €1,300,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 7 Disability Services

Community Health Organisation 7 will povide new models of community based, person-centred respite in the community for children and young adults. These will included Supported Camps to be piloted over two years and Self-directed Short Breaks to provide respite for young people aged 18-21. These will be supported with an information & training package for delivery across the CHO to be able to replicate these alternative respite options.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Dublin CHO Area 7 €357,999 2017
Community Health Organisation 7 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 7 are focussing on reform in the region in the areas of supported employment via the IPS model, supporting people to move from hostels and mental health units to their own homes in the community.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kildare CHO Area 7 €200,000 2018
Community Health Organisation 8 Disability Services

Community Health Organisation 8 will focus on reforming day services & alternative respite to person-centered supports for those using services.Reforming Day Services stream will support young people using traditional day services to move to individualized supports in their own locality and reconfigure existing day supports. The Alternative Respite stream will provide Holiday Breaks & Home Sharing involves moving away from traditional residential respite through the recruitment of host families for Home Sharing in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Meath CHO Area 8 €882,700 2018
Community Health Organisation 8 Mental Health Service

Community Health Organisation 8 is focusing on the development of cultural change, stakeholder engagement and a recovery based service strategy. Within this, specific streams of work include supported employment via the IPS model and the design and delivery of a community living transition plan across the region.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €1,300,000 2018
Community Rehabilitation and Recovery Service Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Service

This project supported a young girl with severe and enduring mental health difficulties to reconnect with mainstream life. With the support of a Peer Support Worker, this person successfully completed a range of self-identified goals including a Fetac Level 3 computer course, as well as the development of a structured daily routine and personal friendships. Project reference number 834

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Sligo CHO Area 1 €33,400 2012
Connolly Hospital and Local Health Office Dublin North West

This 3 year project developed an integrated care pathway between acute hospital and community services specific to the needs of all people with dementia including those with complex disease. Project reference number 3171

Integrated Care Pathways
Dublin CHO Area 9 €500,587 2014
COPE Foundation

This project is providing a community-based day service for school leavers with intellectual disability and/or autism by linking these young people with mainstream facilities in their communities. 30 people took part in various training modules and work experience as per their areas of interest and one person became self-employed. Project reference number 1396

Supporting Young People
Cork CHO Area 4 €116,000 2012
COPE Foundation

This project supported seven people, with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities and mental health difficulties who currently reside within congregated settings to live to a home of their own choosing in the community. The participants were supported to live as independently as possible and to become full and active members of their new communities. Project reference number 2618

Community Living
Cork CHO Area 4 €66,500 2013
Cork Community Health Organisation & Cork Local Authority

Cork CHO and Cork Local Authority will develop a comprehensive Housing First approach, providing 40 tenancies for homeless people in the region, as well as creating greater links between the health supports and the housing service. 

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Cork CHO Area 4 €1,100,000 2019

This project utilised the experience of peer support workers and took a "housing first" type approach to prevent tenancies from breaking down due to mental health issues. 145 people have benefited from this project to date and has proved successful in preventing homelessness due to the difficulties of acquiring accommodation with mental illness by working in partnership with the local mental health team. Project reference number 3697

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €30,796 2014
Dara Residential Services

This project developed a professional, independent brokerage service to enable people with intellectual disabilities and their families who have individualised budgets to select the supports that best meet their individual needs. Project reference number 876

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €115,078 2012
Dara Residential Services

Possibilitiesplus expanded and developed an independent brokerage service for people with disabilities and their families in designing, costing and implementing self-directed lives. The project supporting 23 people in total and currently receives referrals from the HSE on a person by person basis. Project reference number 2499

Community Living
Kildare CHO Area 7 €107,082 2013
Daughters of Charity Limerick/Tipperary
Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Limerick CHO Area 3 €258,000 2018
Daughters of Charity, Dublin

This project facilitated the transition of six people from community residential homes to an independent living setting of their choice with individualised supports. Project reference number 2378

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €114,610 2013
Daughters of Charity, Dublin

This project supported three people living in a low support community residential setting to move to an independent living setting of their choice. By providing individualised supports to each person, they continue live as independently as possible in the community. Project reference number 884

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €40,000 2012
Daughters of Charity, Dublin

This project supported seven people for one year to devise and pursue individualised person-centred plans with the aim of accessing employment, training and recreational activities in their own communities as an alternative to existing day-care services. Project reference number 2479

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 9 €72,310 2013
Daughters of Charity, Dublin

This project supported eight young people  in their final year in St Vincent's Special School to develop person-centred plans and to lead full and inclusive lives in the local community. Project reference number 882

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 9 €63,143 2012
Daughters of Charity, Limerick

This project set up a Contract Carers Scheme to provide an alternative respite option for children with disabilities in the Limerick/North Tipperary region. Carers and children are carefully matched and trained and the respite break takes place in the carers home. 15 people have used the service and more are hoping to join in the future. Project reference number 893

Alternative Respite
Limerick CHO Area 3 €211,800 2012
Daughters of Charity, Tipperary

This project supported two people to avail of 54 nights alternative respite with host families in the local community. As a result of this project, the two people have completely moved away from traditional respite services. Project reference number 885

Alternative Respite
Tipperary CHO Area 3 €3,794 2012

The established Home Sharing scheme was adapted to meet the needs of the deaf community, carefully matching each participant with a mentor who worked with the person to improve personal confidence and develop quality of life opportunities. This project worked with 20 deaf people in the Galway, Mayo and Roscommon area and developed a new Social Mentoring Support Service which can used in other areas in Ireland. Project reference number 892

Alternative Respite
Galway CHO Area 2 €354,500 2012
Dementia Aware Donegal

Rural Families Dementia Support project helped identify ways in which people living with dementia can continue to play a role in their home, community and farms. They provided support and training to carers and people with dementia to enable them to maintain their everyday domestic and farming skills and leisure activities. Project reference number 2327

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Donegal CHO Area 1 €10,000 2013
Department of Psychiatry of Old Age, St. John of God Hospital

This project provided a psycho-education programme for carers/families of those recently diagnosed with dementia, providing information on its causes, symptoms and clinical course, as well as information on individualised planning, managing behaviour, legal issues and self-care strategies for carers. Project reference number 2490

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 6 €2,535 2012
DESSA - Disability Equality Specialist Support Agency

This project provided training, mentoring and advocacy in community development organisations to enable more young people with disabilities to take part in mainstream activities within the community. 19 staff, 50 family members, 60 members of community groups and 22 trainers received training in various subjects such as Community Development and Advocacy. Project reference number S154

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €30,000 2010

This project trained 27 staff in an intervention entitled Cognitive Adaptation Training. This is an individualised approach which utilises the behavioural style and cognitive abilities of each person to develop and optimise community living skills. Staff integrated this training into their daily work with people with severe and enduring mental health difficulties. Project reference number 889

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €28,820 2012

The DETECT project brought together the experience of people with psychosis, family members and professionals with a view to building skills and support for families with a member recently diagnosed with a first episode of psychosis. Project reference number 2501

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 6 €22,462 2013
Disability Federation of Ireland

This project assisted organisations who provide services to people with disabilities to support people to identify and achieve their goals. The organisation ran 88 seminars on social inclusion and accessing mainstream services for various service providers. Project reference number S189

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €73,925 2010
Donegal Physical and Sensory Disability Services, HSE North West

This project supported young people with physical and sensory disabilities to learn how to guide their personal assistants to support them in achieving their goals and daily activities. Over the course of the project, 23 people received training, helping to make their transition to adulthood easier. Project reference number S112

Capacity Building
Donegal CHO Area 1 €25,000 2010
Donegal Physical and Sensory Disability Services, HSE North West

This project provided respite care for an adolescent boy with significant physical disabilities and mental health difficulties in his own home and community. The main aim of this project was to provide meaningful respite based on his needs and wishes in particular allowing the individual to remain a valued member of his community. Project reference number 2401

Alternative Respite
Donegal CHO Area 1 €8,650 2013
Dublin City University (DCU) Mental Health Knowledge Community

This project provided an opportunity for communities to become more informed and proactive in communicating about mental health. Over the course of the project 83 people, 89 staff, 83 family members and 25 community organisation members were trained in open dialogue process known as "Trialogue". 26 people were also trained as Trialogue trainers. Project reference number S208

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €104,804 2010
Dublin City University (DCU) Service Improvement Leadership for Mental Health Services

This project supported people who use mental health services to access information by developing their own website. The creative team behind the website consisted of an individual with mental health difficulties, a carer and a clinician and the website was designed to make it easier for people to access information on mental health services in their local area. Project reference number S078

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €9,000 2010
Dublin North City and County Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Two people completed the DCU Leadership program and developed the Promoting the Participation of Families in CAMHS program to support  involvement by people using services in Dublin North City and County Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. By providing meaningful involvement, the service is now more collaborative and effective, which ultimate contributes to better outcomes for those using the service. Project reference number 3704

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €9,640 2014
Dublin South Central Mental Health Service

This project employed a project worker to undertake an audit of all residents in community houses in Dublin South Central Mental Health Service and to establish their housing and support needs. The project worker engaged and worked closely with 32 people to describe, plan and achieve their ideal life integrated in the community with supports of their choice. Project reference number 3706

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €136,778 2014
Dublin West/South West Rehabilitation and Recovery Mental Health Services

This project supported 30 people using mental health day services to engage in mainstream community activities and to develop individual links in the community. Project reference number 990

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €37,162 2012
East Galway Mental Health Service HSE

This project supported two people using mental health services to receive training in the area of health, fitness and personal training. Project reference number 916

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Galway CHO Area 2 €10,430 2012
Enable Ireland

The project provided four people with the plans and skills required to leave institutional settings and to live in their own homes in the community. Three people received Transitions Training in preparation for moving to the community and an Independent Living Skills Resource Pack was developed for use across the service. Project reference number S069

Capacity Building
Meath CHO Area 8 €40,000 2010

The EOLAS Project was developed to provide an information and support programme for people with acute mental health difficulties, their families and close friends at five sites in the Leinster area. Project reference number 1028

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Kildare CHO Area 7 €125,910 2012

This project supported the roll-out of the Recovery Context Inventory which is a web-based personal recovery profiling tool, within EVE and in six other pilot mental health services nationally. This project linked with the Mayo Recovery Consortium (Genio Project 968) to advance recovery as a framework within mental health services. Project reference number 900

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €125,436 2012

This project developed the Recovery Context Inventory, which is a web-based personal recovery profiling tool, which enables people who use mental health services to develop a Recovery Action Plan based on their personal assessment of their journey to recovery. Over the course of the project, 211 people and 36 staff members were involved in using and testing the web-based tool and 54 facilitators were trained. Project reference number S283

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €194,900 2010
Exchange House

The Travelling to Wellbeing project utilised the recovery model to address culturally appropriate recovery for Travellers experiencing mental health difficulties. 45 members of the travelling community were supported to access mental health services and to co-produce recovery action plans that embraced the travelling culture and community supports available in a realistic and holistic manner. Project reference number 878

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Offaly CHO Area 8 €473,884 2012
First Fortnight

This project provided art psychotherapy to 17 people with mental health difficulties who were homeless and was successful in working with several people who had been previously difficult to engage. Project reference number 899

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €74,000 2012
Focus Ireland

This project supported 12 people who were residing in mental health service accommodation to move to their own home in the community with personalised and adaptable supports. Project reference number 898

Mental Health
Community Living
Kildare CHO Area 7 €47,952 2012
Focus Ireland

My Home, My Choice provided individualised support to 36 people, currently living in inappropriate accommodation such as overcrowded homes or temporary hostel accommodation to live independently in their own homes in the community, with personalised supports. Project reference number 2451

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €179,443 2013
Galway Centre for Independent Living

This project analysed the services being provided by the Galway Centre for Independent Living and supported them to obtain optimal benefit from the services and supports available to them. A survey of 300 people was conducted and a Quality & Standards Resource Pack was produced using the feedback generated. Project reference number S265

Capacity Building
Galway CHO Area 2 €41,750 2010
Galway Community Health Organisation & Galway Local Authority

The aim of the programme is to develop and improve wraparound health supports in Housing First tenancies and address the complex health needs of the Housing First participants. Galway CHO and the Galway Local Authority will work together to provide 30 tenancies for homeless people in the region.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Galway CHO Area 2 €918,600 2019
Galway Volunteer Centre

This project developed training programmes for staff to enable them to support people with mental health difficulties to become volunteers, as well as a parallel training programme for community organisations to provide individualised supports so that people with mental health difficulties can become volunteers. A total of 41 people became volunteers and four have found paid employment. Project reference number 2338

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Galway CHO Area 2 €92,000 2013
Gheel Autism Services

This project engaged with 12 school leavers with challenging behaviours in a manner that accommodates their individual needs, builds upon their abilities and supports them to make the transition into adulthood. Eleven of the participants took part in employment specific training, eight undertook work experience in their preferred fields and one person had secured paid employment at the completion of the project. Project reference number 1423

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 9 €572,150 2012
Grove House, HSE South

This project supported four people to move from an institution to live in their own home in the community. The participants were supported to chose their own home and the supports they felt they required. The use of mainstream supports was actively encouraged and helped to promote links within the locality. Project reference number 915  

Community Living
Cork CHO Area 4 €110,000 2012
HAIL Housing / National Learning Network - HSE

This project supported the transition of seven people to move from group care homes to independent living in the community with personalised and adaptable supports. Project reference number 918

Mental Health
Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €60,661 2012
HAIL Housing Association for Independent Living & HSE Dublin North City

This project supported five people living in a mental health service to live independently in the community. Two others were supported to develop self-living skills to live in the community with support. Project reference number 947

Mental Health
Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €65,000 2012
HAIL Housing Association for Independent Living & HSE Dublin North City

This project engaged in a process to build a sustainable model of community mental health rehabilitation across a wide catchment area, in order to deliver a range of recovery-focused supports. This included the provision of secure independent housing, active community participation and the creation of meaningful social roles. To date, 23 people have successfully moved to their own homes with support. Project reference number 2375

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €475,422 2013
HAIL Housing Association for Independent Living & HSE Dublin North City

This project assisted 10 people to move from residential mental health services to their own homes in their local community. Nine people moved to independent living in their own homes and another participant was supported in their move to community living at an individualised pace. As a result of the project, two high support hostels were closed. Project reference number 61

Mental Health
Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €100,000 2011

The project developed a series of peer education workshops entitled ‘It’s Time to Start Talking’  in the area of youth mental health and trained six peer educators to deliver these workshops to other young people in their local communities. The workshops were delivered by 8 trained peer educators on 7 occasions to 156 participants aged 14-19 years. Project reference number 914

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Limerick CHO Area 3 €23,000 2012
Headway Ireland - The National Head Injuries Association

This project implemented an advocacy training programme specifically targeted at fulfilling identified needs of people using Headway services. Project reference number 911

Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €2,541 2012
Headway Ireland - The National Head Injuries Association

This project created a progressive service which included respite for people with aphasia, a communication disability and their families within Headway in Dublin. Seven people were supported and took part in various family-based capacity building modules, focusing on communication techniques. Project reference number 2342

Alternative Respite
Dublin CHO Area 9 €15,028 2013
HSE - Cuan Aoibheann Unit, St. Mary's Hospital

This project assisted eight residents to transition from a residential unit to a home of their choice by creating a dedicated Community Transition Team to work with each individual. In addition, this project developed a future model of service provision with Cheshire Ireland to enable people to live an optimal life. Project reference number 2497

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 7 €308,000 2013
HSE / Training & Occupational Support Services / Physical & Sensory

This project introduced Direct Payments for eight people who were supported by a broker to select the supports which they deemed necessary to live the life of their choosing. Project reference number 2525

Supporting Young People
Donegal CHO Area 1 €85,000 2013
HSE and Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary

This project supported 27 people to move from an institutional setting to a range of appropriate and inclusive settings in the community. Training was also provided for 10 staff members on person-centred support and Social Role Valorisation. Project reference number 88

Community Living
Laois CHO Area 8 €292,152 2011
HSE Aras Attracta Mayo

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Mayo CHO Area 2 €0 2018
HSE Area Dublin North City Mental Health Service

This project provided individualised support to five long-term users of the adult mental health service, to enable them live in their own homes in the community with personalised and adaptive supports. Project reference number 904

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 9 €42,100 2012
HSE Cluain Fhionnain Kerry

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kerry CHO Area 4 €146,000 2018
HSE Cregg House Sligo

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Sligo CHO Area 1 €566,000 2018
HSE Dublin Mid-Leinster

This 3 year project comprised of a range of community-based supports for people with dementia which were responsive to peoples' needs and highly integrated with the formal health and social care system. Project reference number 307

Individualised Supports
Dublin CHO Area 6 €700,000 2012
HSE Dublin NE, Meath Adult Intellectual Disability Service

The Host Family Respite project replaced traditional respite with host family living arrangements for adults in Co. Meath. The project provided training to seven host families who were then matched with seven people, who availed of various lengths of stays with the host families. Project reference number S059

Alternative Respite
Meath CHO Area 8 €60,000 2010
HSE Dublin West and South West Mental Health Services

This project trained staff within the mental health services in Dublin West and South West to deliver an accessible, quality, early intervention service to people with psychosis and their families within home or community settings. In total 90 people, 18 staff, 15 family members and four trainers received training in understanding, supporting and living with psychosis. Project reference number S303

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €59,650 2010
HSE Kerry

This project helped upskill staff in a residential setting. These staff members were assisting people to move from the residential setting to their own homes in the community and were trained and supported in carrying out individualised person-centred planning in order to successfully transition. Project reference number 2448

Community Living
Kerry CHO Area 4 €273,405 2013
HSE Limerick Mental Health Services

This project supported five people to move from institutional settings to live independent lives in their community. In addition, the Moving On project provided training for five people and four staff on transitioning to the community and person-centred planning. Project reference number 77

Mental Health
Community Living
Limerick CHO Area 3 €30,000 2011
HSE Louth

This project has supported 20 people who can no longer live at home with appropriate alternative living arrangements with a family in the community. A total of 864 days and 978 nights respite support was provided and as a result of participation, two people have moved to independent living in the community. Project reference number 919

Community Living
Louth CHO Area 8 €149,000 2012
HSE Louth

This project provided individualised day activity programmes in County Louth for one young adult school leaver with complex needs, allowing the young man to remain at home with his family and supported him to engage in his local community. The person took part in various training and work experience modules and was supported in active employment planning. Project reference number 1400

Supporting Young People
Louth CHO Area 8 €63,000 2012
HSE St Raphael’s Cork

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.


Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Cork CHO Area 4 €741,000 2018
HSE West Learning Disability Service

The overall aim of this project was to develop and revise the existing Home to Home Scheme in the Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan area which provides home-based respite for 14 children and adults with intellectual disability. The project provided alternatives to existing institutional-based respite in the area and trained host families in respite provision. Project reference number 2487

Alternative Respite
Sligo CHO Area 2 €43,870 2013
HSE West Mental Health Services

This project provided a community-based service which enhanced the lives of 10 people with mental health difficulties living in the Galway City area by becoming actively engaged in their communities. The project created a peer support group for people with mental health difficulties, as a pathway to the development of individual plans for enhanced community inclusion and recovery. Project reference number 2331

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Galway CHO Area 2 €30,000 2013
HSE Wicklow Mental Health Service

This project completed the closure of two mental health hostels and supported 16 people to plan and gain skills for more independent living in the community. Seven people now live in their own homes, a number are looking for accommodation and three were supported to progress to the community at an individualised pace. Project reference number 68

Mental Health
Community Living
Wicklow CHO Area 6 €129,320 2011
Inclusion Ireland

This project encouraged people to become involved as active citizens in supporting and advocating for people with intellectual disability who are currently living in a residential centre. 13 staff members were trained in advocacy and various community information sessions were held to highlight the importance of advocacy. Project reference number S268

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €73,450 2010
Inclusion Ireland

This project provided workshops for parents of children with intellectual disabilities which enabled them to plan individual lifestyles for their child and organise the necessary supports, with a view to strengthening partnerships with professionals. Project reference number 927

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €45,127 2012
Inclusion Ireland

This project supported nine people with an intellectual disability with training in order to educate their peers and service providers about HIQA National Services. Project reference number 926

Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €10,750 2012
Irish Advocacy Network & HSE Mental Health Division

This project developed a model of collaborative working arrangements between people using services, their carers and service providers. This involved capacity building through the enhancement of knowledge, skills, competencies and team building at all levels. Project reference number 3731

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Limerick CHO Area 3 €42,120 2014
Irish Autism Action

This project offered a volunteer supported, home-based respite programme for 18 families. To date, over 5,000 home-based respite hours have been provided, demonstrating an alternative to institutional-based respite for people living with autism. Project reference number 931

Alternative Respite
Cork CHO Area 4 €75,000 2012
Irish Autism Action

This project trained people to support people with autism entering third level education through the Autism College and Community Life Acclimation and Intervention Model (ACCLAIM). A total of 37 people and 12 trainers were trained in supporting those with autism and over 500 staff and family members attended the NUIG Autism Conference in 2011. Project reference number S370

Capacity Building
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €75,000 2010
Irish Wheelchair Association

This project trained staff to work in a more informed way to support people with physical disabilities to live the lives they choose in the community. A total of 1,552 people, 530 staff, four family members and four trainers received training Enhanced Person Centred Process and 1388 Person-Centred Plans were created across the service. Project reference number S217

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 7 €217,242 2010
Jigsaw Kerry

This project developed a model of community-based mentoring in three main urban towns in Kerry: Tralee, Killarney and Listowel. Over the course of the project, 24 volunteer mentors were recruited and trained in peer-support. Eight of the volunteers were also trained as trainers and a manual on peer-support training in the community was produced. Project reference number S317

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Kerry CHO Area 4 €47,840 2010
Jigsaw Kerry

This project designed and developed a resource pack for parents on mental health issues for young people, including a directory of services in the area. Project reference number S316

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Kerry CHO Area 4 €29,600 2010

This project developed and implemented individualised plans with 13 people who are currently on Rehabilitative Training, as they make the transition to adulthood. Over the course of the project, eight participants took part in employment specific training and work experience and two people became self-employed. Project reference number 1401

Supporting Young People
Kildare CHO Area 7 €96,506 2012

This project provided customised short breaks to the families of 40 people who currently avail of traditional respite, families with a break from their caring role, empowering families and allowing children to remain within their own community. Project reference number 75

Alternative Respite
Kildare CHO Area 7 €60,624 2011
Kerry Parents and Friends Association

This project supported one lady to transition from a group home to living in her own home in the community. Project reference number 2406

Community Living
Kerry CHO Area 4 €14,277 2013
Kerry Peer Support Network

The Kerry Peer Support Network is a peer support and befriending project which trained 9 peers to facilitate recovery groups in Tralee, Listowel and Killarney. The project developed and delivered peer support recovery programmes in mental wellness to 146 people throughout Kerry and also supported people in recovery on a one-to-one basis. Project reference number 2399

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Kerry CHO Area 4 €67,293 2013
Kildare Youth Services

This project supported the design, delivery and evaluation of a peer and clinician led information programme on recovery and mental health difficulties across Kildare and Wicklow.  58 information sessions across four locations were delivered to 464 attendees. A set of course materials was developed and 30 people, 21 family members and seven staff received training on person-centred recovery. Project reference number S258

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Kildare CHO Area 7 €173,428 2010
Kilkenny & Carlow Contact

This project provided a befriending and support service to 5 older people who experienced mental health difficulties. In addition, training on issues in mental health for older people for staff and key volunteers was provided and a resource folder for Carlow/Kilkenny area was developed to build a sustainable advocacy information system for all older people in the community. Project reference number 934

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Carlow CHO Area 5 €2,597 2012
Kilkenny Consumer Panel

This project provided training and support for carers in the Kilkenny area to work with people experiencing mental health difficulties in a personalised and co-productive way. Project reference number 870

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €14,844 2012
Knockanrawley Resource Centre

This project supported 12 people attending a day-care centre to devise and implement a personal plan as a step towards independent living and community integration. Project reference number 932

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €11,890 2012
Laois Offaly Mental Health Services

This project worked with four people living in mental health service accommodation to live independently in the community, with supports tailored and adaptive to their needs.This project worked with four people living in mental health service accommodation to live independently in the community, with supports tailored and adaptive to their needs. Project reference number 961

Mental Health
Community Living
Laois CHO Area 8 €76,447 2012
Laois/Offaly Mental Health Rehabilitation Recovery Service & HSE

This project involved a multi-agency partnership which supported six people to move from HSE supported care to community living. Five people moved to their own homes in the community, while another individual was supported to continue their transition plans. In addition, 11 staff and five participants received training in person-centred recovery. Project reference number 59

Mental Health
Community Living
Laois CHO Area 8 €62,572 2011

This project provided a programme of training, through workshops and planning tools, to empower and up-skill families and people with intellectual disability and/or autism to lead self-determined lives. Over the course of the project, 155 family members, 10 staff, two trainers and seven volunteers received training on various aspects of self-directed living. Project reference number S310

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 8 €30,970 2010

This project offered Family Leadership training to families and parents of children with autism to develop the capacity to work with people to achieve their life goals. Project reference number 963    

Capacity Building
Cavan CHO Area 8 €56,000 2012

This project supported four people to move out of institutionalised settings into a home of their own. 11 others have been supported to explore the possibilities, the hopes and fears that the move away from residential care may present and creative, holistic responses for each individual and their families have been developed. Project reference number 2440

Community Living
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €78,000 2013
Leitrim Day Hospital Consortium

This project set out an integrated pathway for people with dementia and their carers from acute / community services, day hospital and home. This helped to facilitate early discharge from hospital, extend life at home for people with advanced dementia and improve quality of life for the person with dementia and their families by providing a comprehensive suite of individualised supports. Project reference number 3186

Individualised Supports
Leitrim CHO Area 1 €100,000 2014
Limerick Community Health Organisation & Limerick Local Authority

Limerick CHO and the Limerick Local Authority will work together to provide 30 tenancies for homeless people in the Limerick region. Using a Housing First approach, the programme will also develop and improve wraparound health supports for those using the housing services in the area

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Limerick CHO Area 3 €960,000 2019
Limerick Rehabilitation / Recovery Service Mental Health Service

This project supported people currently residing in mental health accommodation in Limerick to relocate to a home of their own in the community. A further 12 people are currently awaiting appropriate housing through this project. Project reference number 2353

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Limerick CHO Area 3 €210,000 2013
Louth Age Friendly Dementia Consortium

This project supported people living with dementia to develop individually tailored personal plans, realise their own potential and connect to a more dementia-aware community. The project builds on the existing innovations within the community, bringing them together into a cohesive community-oriented dementia response. Project reference number 3175

Individualised Supports
Louth CHO Area 8 €100,000 2014
Mayo Recovery Consortium & HSE

This project provided peer support to facilitate people with mental health difficulties to move from institutional care to more independent living situations in Mayo. Over the duration of the project, nine people were supported to move to their own homes in the community, while another person was supported to continue their transition plans. Project reference number 78

Mental Health
Community Living
Mayo CHO Area 2 €195,600 2011
Mayo Recovery Consortium & HSE

This project worked with eight regional HSE sites across Ireland to develop local action plans to implement recovery-focused practice at service delivery level and resulted in the development of the Advancing Recovery Ireland (ARI) initiative as a key project outcome. ARI is now a key programme of the Mental Health National Office and is being rolled out nationally. Project reference number 968

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Mayo CHO Area 2 €209,239 2012
Mental Health Reform

Working closely with the Department of Social Protection and the HSE, this project supported the co-ordination of mental health and supported employment services through an Individual Placement and Support model of supported employment in West Cork, Mayo, Cavan/Monaghan and Dublin South Central. The project enabled people to avail of supported employment regardless of 'job readiness', providing unlimited support through the integration of an Employment Specialist into the mental health team. Project reference number 3741

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Dublin CHO Area 9 €114,970 2014
Mentored Peer Support UCC

This project engaged 13 students/graduates of UCC as volunteer peer mentors to 26 UCC students who have mental health difficulties, supporting them to stay in college and complete their third level studies. Over 50 hours of individualised mentoring support was provided to each student. Project reference number S155

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €80,000 2010
Mercy University Hospital and Cork Community Partnership

This 3 year project provided an integrated care pathway for people with dementia who may need hospital admission, providing suitable alternatives to admission, when appropriate, while supporting families/carers to continue to care for the person at home. Project reference number 3168

Integrated Care Pathways
Cork CHO Area 4 €498,500 2014
Monaghan Community Mental Health Team

This project employed a peer support worker to develop an existing psycho-educational programme called the Mental Wealth Programme.  Their role was to provide individualised support to people using services to re-connect with their community, focussing on providing peer support to achieve vocational, educational or other socially valuable roles and to connect people with appropriate services available within the community. Project reference number 3746

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Monaghan CHO Area 1 €40,711 2014
National Federation of Voluntary Bodies

The project ran an intense programme to develop the capacity of people, organisations, communities and government departments who work with people with intellectual disability to achieve their life goals. Project reference number 956

Capacity Building
Galway CHO Area 2 €35,000 2012
National Forensic Mental Health Services

This project focuses on addressing the mental health and housing needs of people on remand. The project employed a housing support worker to liaise with community housing agencies and assist patients with mental health difficulties under the care of the prison service to secure appropriate accommodation. 111 people have been supported through this program to date. Project reference number 2347

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin National Forensic Mental Health Service €145,469 2013
National Forensic Mental Health Services

The National Forensic Mental Health Service is working on the establishment of a Recovery College and Recovery Education, the implementation of a supported employment programme based on the IPS model and the development of a training and education strategy to support service reform across all stakeholder groups.

Mental Health
Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Dublin National Forensic Mental Health Service €600,000 2018
National Learning Network, Tralee, Co. Kerry

The ConnectAbility project was based on a self-managed model which will allow people to manage money from a funding body for their chosen community participation program. This allowed people to choose their own program with support from a community connector. Project reference number 2507

Supporting Young People
Kerry CHO Area 4 €70,483 2013
National Parents and Siblings Alliance

This project supported the production of a booklet, which promoted knowledge and skills by providing information in an accessible, friendly and informative manner to families of children with a disability. Information sessions were attended by 450 family members  and the booklet "What Now?...Where Next?" was disseminated widely. Project reference number S362

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 6 €14,500 2010
National Platform Inter-Agency Steering Group

This project supported the formation of a national platform of self-advocates through an organic, grassroots process. It will help provide an independent and neutral space for persons with intellectual disabilities. Project reference number 973

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €55,050 2012
National Service Users Executive

This project gathered information from people using mental health services to develop an e-learning programme. Training was provided for 100 people and 100 staff, exploring proactive and inclusive approaches to recovery. The initiative also produced a book called "Second Options", a related FaceBook page and a website on recovery in mental health which can be accessed at Project reference number S195

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 6 €53,283 2010
Neuro-Enhancement for Independent Lives, Trinity College

This project developed and shared online films to promote positive cognitive health behaviours, educate and combat the stigma associated with dementia and other degenerative brain diseases. Project reference number 232

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €199,052 2012
North Dublin Mental Health Service

This project developed the capacity of a variety of people to effectively function as a representative on mental health forums. This allowed people using services, their families and carers to build capacity to be active, fully participating members of the North Dublin mental health management team. Project reference number 3753

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €4,240 2014
North Dublin Mental Health Service & HSE

This project supported the development of individualised and recovery orientated support to three people with long term involvement with the mental health services. Project reference number 85

Mental Health
Alternative Respite
Dublin CHO Area 9 €30,711 2011
North Tipperary Mental Health Service in partnership with Aras Follain

This project developed alternative respite options for people experiencing mental health difficulties and/or their family members in a community-based setting. Overall, 96 people received respite in the community and the project also provided 168 members of community groups with training in person-centred community respite. Project reference number 86

Mental Health
Alternative Respite
Tipperary CHO Area 3 €75,000 2011
Parents/HSE/Praxis Care

This project provided individualised day activity programmes in Co. Louth for young adult school-leavers with autism and high support complex needs. The participants also took part in targeted training and work experience periods based on personal employment aspirations. Project reference number 980

Supporting Young People
Louth CHO Area 8 €75,748 2012
Physical and Sensory Services, HSE Donegal

This project provided training places at Fetac Level 5 for five young people with physical disabilities in a mainstream setting. In addition, one of the participants undertook work experience relevant to their area of interest and one person secured paid employment. Project reference number 978

Supporting Young People
Donegal CHO Area 1 €56,500 2012

This project supported 25 people to reduce reliance on hospital and day care provision and assist them to live a full independent life in their own community, with personalised and adaptive supports. Project reference number 981

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Louth CHO Area 8 €75,748 2012

This project focused on early intervention and detection of the first stages of psychosis and recovery. 362 people, 726 staff, 126 family members, six trainers and 39 community organisation members received training and education in relation to individualised support for those with psychosis. The project also produced educational resources. Project reference number S133

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Wicklow CHO Area 6 €271,365 2010
Psychiatry of Later Life Mental Health Service

The main aim of this project was to train staff in Wellness Action Recovery Planning (WRAP) so that older persons mental health services across Westmeath can move towards a recovery-orientated service. 16 staff and 2 people using services have been trained and WRAP is now being used across the service. Project reference number 2384

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €7,000 2013
Recovery Team, Mayo Mental Health Service

This project has trained 14 peer support workers and educators as part of a plan to redesign mental health day services across two sites in Mayo. Emphasis was placed on working with people who have lived in institutional settings for long periods of time to build social connections and engage in the community. Project reference number 967

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Mayo CHO Area 2 €701,000 2012
RehabCare Galway

This project supported seven people to move from inappropriate settings to more suitable living arrangements in the community. Each person was helped to develop a personal plan to move and also helped to establish links within the community. Project reference number 984

Community Living
Galway CHO Area 2 €62,344 2012
Rehabilitation Psychiatry Service, Limerick Mental Health Services

This project supported five people to move from psychiatric in-patient facilities to become active participants in their own communities. All five people have moved to their own homes in the community with personalised supports. Project reference number 991

Mental Health
Community Living
Limerick CHO Area 3 €70,000 2012
Roscommon Dementia Friendly Community Group

This project explored innovative and creative ways of supporting people with dementia to remain in their own home. A Dementia Advisor was central to enabling statutory, voluntary and community agencies to work collaboratively and consider the desired aspirations and outcomes for people with dementia, rather than simply looking at care supports needs in the narrowest sense. Project reference number 3183

Individualised Supports
Roscommon CHO Area 2 €100,000 2014
Service Improvers Leadership Programme

This project brought together service organisations, people who use services and their families to bring about change in mental health services. 27 people took part in Trialogue which is a cooperative approach to healthcare involving the individual, service provider and the carer, helping to bring a more person-centred approach to their recovery process. Project reference number S137

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Kildare CHO Area 7 €63,475 2010
Service Learning Partnership Group

This project supported five students to attend mainstream modules as part of an Inclusive Learning Initiative at the National University of Ireland Maynooth. In addition, four of the participants also received training in their areas of interest and two people took part in periods of work experience in various fields. Project reference number 999

Supporting Young People
Kildare CHO Area 8 €52,500 2012
SHINE, HSE Midwest Mental Health Service & Peer Support Centres

This project increased the availability of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for people with psychosis by establishing a training scheme for community-based counsellors. Over the duration of the project, 25 people living with psychosis and 12 staff where trained in the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Project reference number S176

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €32,700 2010
SHINE, HSE Midwest Mental Health Service & Peer Support Centres

This project engaged family members at all levels of service in individual care planning, service planning and evaluation. Local consumer panels were developed to feed into the regional mental health services management team. Partnership support was provided by Shine who trained relatives to participate in the provision of peer support, education, training and advocacy. Project reference number 2424

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Limerick CHO Area 3 €75,000 2013
SHINE, HSE Midwest Mental Health Service & Peer Support Centres

The PIERS programme focused on developing a family support model that engaged with group members on a monthly basis for 10 months and included educational, emotional support and social components in response to their needs. During this project, four people were trained to co-facilitate the group and a tool-kit for facilitators was developed to support the model into the future. Project reference number 3767

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €25,790 2014
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary/Muiríosa Foundation

Three people who have lived in an institutional setting for most of their lives have been supported to move to a home of their own in the community. Each person was helped to develop a personal plan to move and supported to establish links within the community. Project reference number 970

Community Living
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €82,020 2012
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary/Muiríosa Foundation

The Share a Break project utilised alternative forms of respite, based on people being matched with suitable host families and spending time in their homes. A total of 274 alternative respite breaks was provided to 4 children with high support needs by host families. Project reference number S019

Alternative Respite
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €21,772 2010
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary/Muiríosa Foundation

This project provided training and support to staff to work in an intensive person-centred way with 15 people. As a result, 10 residents moved to their own homes in the community and staff began to utilise a more individualised way of working with the people accessing the service. Project reference number S199

Community Living
Laois CHO Area 8 €25,569 2010
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary/Muiríosa Foundation

The Moving into the Community project supported a woman to move from an institutional setting to her own home in the community. This lady now lives in her home where she selects the supports she feels she needs to live a full and independent life. Project reference number S061

Community Living
Offaly CHO Area 8 €43,132 2010
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary/Muiríosa Foundation

Room to Share supported a man who was living in a large institutional setting to live with a host family on a full-time basis. The person has continued to live with the host family and has commenced paid part-time employment in a local supermarket, greatly adding to his independence. Project reference number S011

Community Living
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €7,605 2010
Slí Eile Support Services

This project provided art therapy to three people with mental health difficulties to assist with the transition from the psychiatric in-patient system to the community through the Sli Eile community farm. Project reference number 940

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Cork CHO Area 4 €2,080 2012
Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services - HSE West

This project supported two people to move from an acute psychiatric setting to their own homes in the community with personalised and adaptable supports. Project reference number 1001

Mental Health
Community Living
Sligo CHO Area 1 €33,705 2012
Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services - HSE West

The Moving On Project facilitated an individual with mental health difficulties to move from an acute hospital setting into community-based housing, with personalised and adaptive supports. Project reference number 2427

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Sligo CHO Area 1 €33,705 2013
SOS Kilkenny

Home Share Initiative developed a home share scheme where suitable people were trained to share their homes with people with an intellectual disability on a supported basis. Ten volunteers took part in the project, providing both day and night respite for three people within a host family. Project reference number S306

Alternative Respite
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €12,700 2010
SOS Kilkenny

This project developed a shared approach to providing services between two providers of intellectual disability services in County Kilkenny. The consultation process involved 60 people, 85 staff and 10 family members and produced a team leadership handbook and a report entitled "A Shared Vision". Project reference number S307


Capacity Building
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €50,000 2010
South Lee Social Inclusion Group

This project developed cookery classes and taught five men to cook their own meals as a first step in enabling them to move from an institutional setting to their own homes in the community. The development of this skill and additional individual support helped the five people towards moving to full-time community living. Project reference number S064

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €1,440 2010
South Lee Social Inclusion Group

This project supported people to move from Glenmalure high support unit to live independently in the community. Six people moved to their own homes in the community and five others were supported to transition at an individual pace. In addition, 26 people received training in life skills such as health and fitness, cookery and horticulture. Project reference number 109

Mental Health
Community Living
Cork CHO Area 4 €28,000 2011
South Roscommon Mental Health Services and Brothers of Charity Services

This project supported four people with mental health difficulties and mild intellectual disability to improve their range of choices and quality of life. With individualised support, these people were helped to create lives of their choosing in the community. Project reference number 937

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Roscommon CHO Area 2 €101,189 2012
South Tipperary Mental Health Service

This 3 year project provided high quality, flexible, person-centred care in the home to people with dementia and their families in South Tipperary, helping people to stay living at home for as long as is possible. Project reference number 311

Individualised Supports
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €700,000 2012
South Tipperary Mental Health Services HSE

This project supported families through a personal development course, which explored issues such as coping skills. The participants also had the opportunity to become involved in facilitation training and the project developed a training manual for use by others. Project reference number 2586

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €3,000 2013
South Tipperary Mental Health Services HSE

This project worked with four people to discover their vocational aspirations, to set goals and create individualised plans around experiencing mainstream employment. Project reference number 923

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €56,272 2012
Spraoi agus Spórt

Spraoi agus Spórt provided after-school, weekend and holiday time activities for children with special needs/autism on a drop-off basis. This provided the parent or carer with respite, while the children availed of tailor-made activity programmes, suitable for each person needs. Project reference number 2417

Alternative Respite
Donegal CHO Area 1 €26,880 2013
St James Hospital and the Mater Hospital, Dublin

This stream will provide improved integrated pathways and joint working through a Dublin wide homeless hospital discharge policy and enhanced screening and referral processes. An integrated homeless hospital discharge team will be formed in St James’ Hospital and The Mater. It aims to support better health, well-being and social outcomes for people experiencing homelessness through effective case management, service integration and innovation particularly in relation to discharge from acute services.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Dublin CHO Area 9 €736,408 2019
St John of God Drumcar

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Louth CHO Area 8 €677,000 2018
St. Aidan's Day Care Centre, Wexford

This project supported three people to move from an institutional setting to live in their own homes in the community. The project utilised a personalised approach focusing on the participants’ strengths, thus ensuring the person is involved in all planning and decision-making. All three moved successfully to their own homes with personalised supports. Project reference number 1018

Community Living
Wexford CHO Area 5 €51,223 2012
St. Colmcille's East Meath GAA Club

This project developed a community outreach programme in St Colmcille's GAA Club, Bettystown, Co. Meath to provide a range of activities to help maintain and develop the mental wellbeing and physical fitness of those isolated in the community. Project reference number 996

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Meath CHO Area 8 €30,000 2012
St. Hilda's Services, Athlone

This project supported five school leavers referred for services through an individualised model instead of offering a traditional model of care. This involved retraining and reconfiguring an existing centre-based service in terms of staffing and approach in order to develop person-centred, community based service. Project reference number 2491

Supporting Young People
Westmeath CHO Area 8 €63,371 2013
St. James's Hospital

This 3 year project developed an integrated care pathway between acute hospital and community services specific to the needs of people with dementia. Project reference number 3167

Integrated Care Pathways
Dublin CHO Area 7 €500,000 2014
St. John of God - City Gate/HSE

This project supported two women to move from an institution to live in their own homes in the community. Both ladies are now actively involved in their communities and the success of this project inspired the institution to begin moving more people into their own homes. Project reference number S043

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 7 €40,000 2010
St. John of God - City Gate/HSE

This project supported 14 people with intellectual disabilities to move from an institution to their own homes in the community. Over the course of the project, seven people moved to independent living and seven others received training in preparation to move to their own homes. Eight trainers and 22 staff members were also trained in self-directed living. Project reference number 17

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 7 €190,000 2011
St. John of God Celbridge

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kildare CHO Area 7 €612,000 2018
St. John of God Kildare Services

This project supported 17 people to move from an institutional setting to live independently in the community. To date, 10 of the 17 people have moved to their own homes in the community and seven others have accommodation sourced and will be moving in the near future. Project reference number 920

Community Living
Kildare CHO Area 7 €68,471 2012
St. John of God Kildare Services

My Life, My Future, My Say afforded 53 people the opportunity to move from their current accommodation to living independently in the community and to receive the required individualised supports to live the life of their choosing. Project reference number 2431

Community Living
Kildare CHO Area 7 €274,616 2013
St. John of God Menni Services

By taking an individualised approach, this project provided employment supports, training options and personal growth opportunities to a group of nine people. Each aspect was tailored towards helping the person to secure employment in their area of interest. Project reference number 1008

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 7 €34,200 2012
St. John of God School

A job coach/support worker trained students and supported their transition from school to employment, focusing on individualised needs and practical preparation for entering the world of work. Project reference number 2550

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 7 €17,713 2013
St. John of God STEP

This project developed a transition programme for school leavers with disabilities to prepare them for work and/or further education. All nine participants took part in relevant training and work experience based on their employment aspirations and one person secured paid employment. Project reference number 1007

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 6 €85,000 2012
St. Joseph's Foundation

This project provided an integrated system of social support for independent living for six people who moved to their own homes in the community. During the course of the project eight people, four staff, two community members and six trainers also received training in various aspects of supported, self-directed living. Project reference number 71

Community Living
Limerick CHO Area 3 €45,000 2011
St. Luke's Clonmel & HSE South

This project ran recovery-based training for staff working in South Tipperary Mental Health Services. The initiative provided 85 staff members, 117 people and 20 family members with training on community-based person-centred care. Recovery workshops were also attended by 120 people. Project reference number S318

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €77,190 2010
St. Luke's Hospital,Clonmel & HSE

This project supported 42 people with severe and enduring mental illness with home-based respite care, tailored to their individual needs. The project provided all participants with respite and three people were supported to move into their own homes in the community. Project reference number 21

Mental Health
Alternative Respite
Tipperary CHO Area 5 €35,000 2011
St. Margaret's Service

This project assisted people to move from an institutional setting to their own homes. 12 people are now living full-time in the community. In addition, 60 staff, 11 families and two people received transition training on various aspects of self-directed living such as Person-Centred Planning and Life Skills. Project reference number 67

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 7 €90,000 2011
St. Michael's House

This project supported people whose current home placements were at risk to continue to live at home with supports rather than going into residential care. Individualised supports were implemented to increase the person’s quality of life and well-being so that as circumstances change they can remain in their home setting for as long as possible. Project reference number 2356

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 9 €63,000 2013
St. Michael's House

This project provided an alternative respite support package initially for one individual, Alison. This was in response to Alison's wish to remain in her home whilst her family still avail of respite supports, assisting her to be as independent as possible. Project reference number 2537

Alternative Respite
Dublin CHO Area 9 €22,115 2013
St. Michael's House

The aim of this project was to provide respite for people currently using disability services, with the aim of starting the journey towards full independent living. This involved respite provision which focussed on increasing the independence of each person and providing support where required. Project reference number 2352

Alternative Respite
Dublin CHO Area 9 €25,279 2013
St. Michael's House

This project set up a Contract Family scheme in order to facilitate respite to four children with high care needs in the child's own home or in the carer's home. The care provided was matched to each persons needs and wishes and provided an alternative to institutional-based respite. Project reference number 939

Alternative Respite
Dublin CHO Area 9 €14,430 2012
St. Michael's House

This project supported six people currently living in a variety of settings, to obtain more individualised supports and plan their own lives in a self-directed way. Over the course of the project seven people, 10 staff and 10 family members were trained in advocacy, the development of circles of support and self-directed living. Project reference number S005

Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €50,000 2010
St. Patrick's Centre Kilkenny

This project enabled the development of a personalised programme  and created a modelling and training programme that supports the ongoing transformation of the day service model. Three of the participants undertook training and one person spent a period on work experience in their chosen field. Project reference number 1440

Supporting Young People
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €152,500 2012
St. Patrick's Centre Kilkenny

Closure of Institution and supporting people to transition to their own homes in the community.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €465,000 2018
St. Raphael's Centre, Intellectual Disability Services

This project supported ten people to move to their own homes in the community to help facilitate the closure of the institutional setting. Six people have moved to living in the community to date, while the remaining people are moving towards independent living at an individualised pace. Project reference number 64

Community Living
Cork CHO Area 4 €80,000 2011
Stewart's Care

This project supported eleven people to move from an institutional setting to their own homes in the community. Each person was actively involved in the planning and process of the move and chose their own supports. A number of participants have also secured paid employment. Project reference number 1021

Community Living
Dublin CHO Area 7 €175,000 2012
Sunbeam House Services

The Crossroads project offered mainstream educational opportunities to people who have expressed an interest in further and/or third level education and employment opportunities. Three of the participants took part in employment specific training and four people undertook work experience as part of their individual plans. Project reference number 2363

Supporting Young People
Wicklow CHO Area 6 €85,000 2013
Sustainable Living Network

This project supported nine people to move from their family homes to more appropriate housing arrangements of their own choosing in the community. Project reference number 2481

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Dublin CHO Area 7 €44,748 2013
The Carers Association

CLASS (Carer Liaison and Support Service) was a 1 to1 peer support service for carers and family members of people who required the intervention of the local Mental Health teams. The project supported family carers to facilitate care in the home, early discharge and less frequent admissions to acute care. The project also recruited, trained, supported and co-ordinated 30 volunteers to provide an information and listening service for carers. Project reference number 3776

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Sligo CHO Area 1 €51,000 2014
The Crystal Consortium

The Crystal Project facilitated individualised and integrated support for people living with dementia in Mallow and the surrounding area and worked with people with dementia, their families, healthcare professionals and community groups to bring about change in dementia care. Project reference number 3181

Individualised Supports
Cork CHO Area 4 €100,000 2014
The Local Community Service Network

This project developed a shared way of working to facilitate shared services between sixteen organisations. The outcome was a charter of values, reflecting areas of potential co-operation between services and which culminated in the "A Shared Vision" report. Project reference number S126

Capacity Building
Kildare CHO Area 7 €42,400 2010
The Medical Centre, Kinsale

This 3 year project established a comprehensive community-based, person-centred response to dementia, by engaging concerned professionals and local citizens in a process of collaborative learning, planning and action. Project reference number 316

Individualised Supports
Cork CHO Area 4 €632,825 2012
Tosnu Mental Health Resource Centre, South Lee Mental Health Service

The Cork Carer Connection provided a forum for carers to be given information on services and how to access relevant personnel from voluntary associations within their community. Project reference number 2300

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €12,250 2013
Training and Support Kilkenny (TASK)

This project developed a social and independent living skills programme for 29 people experiencing severe and enduring mental health difficulties, to help them on their recovery journey and reconnect to the community. Project reference number 1034

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Kilkenny CHO Area 5 €39,074 2012
Trinity College Dublin

This project supported 175 students experiencing mental health difficulties to create individualised and recovery-oriented plans, in order to transition to employment through a flexible, individualised suite of resources developed by Occupational Therapists, the Assistive Technology Officer and Careers Advisers. Project reference number 2539

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Dublin CHO Area 7 €181,725 2013
University of Limerick - ARIES (Advancing Recovery in Ireland Education Service)

The ARIES project is a recovery focused initiative created by the Mid-West Advancing Recovery in Ireland (ARI) group that seeks to change the culture and work practices within mental health services. This project involves co-production and co-delivery of educational programmes to enable the development of individual supports and that all parties can avail of an educational approach to recovery. Project reference number 3675

Mental Health
Supporting Recovery
Limerick CHO Area 3 €75,500 2014
VE Productions

WRAP for Radio provided a twice weekly night class on the radio for persons, families and supporters of those experiencing metal health difficulties. Based on the Wellness Action Recovery Plan (WRAP), the course which runs over six weeks provided self-help skills to supporters and families on the journey to recovery. Project reference number 2364

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Dublin CHO Area 9 €10,500 2013
Waterford Community Health Organisation & Waterford Local Authority

Waterford CHO and Waterford Local Authority are working together to provide 24 tenancies for homeless people in the local area, using the Housing First approach. The programme will also focus on developing an improved wraparound health service in the region, supporting people to obtain and maintain their tenancies.

Service Reform Fund (SRF)
Waterford CHO Area 5 €450,000 2019

This project helped to enhance independent travel and learning for people with support needs through the use of Smartphone technology by creating “WayBuddy”, an accessible travel training application that aims to support people with intellectual disabilities to learn and follow their daily routes independently. Project reference number 2520

Supporting Young People
Dublin CHO Area 7 €5,000 2013
West Cork Mental Health Services HSE

This project supported people who use mental health services to become actively involved in their own recovery and encouraged a positive and progressive change in values and attitudes towards mental health issues in West Cork. 200 people took part in Trialogue which promotes open dialogue in mental health recovery and over 2,000 people attended community events promoting positive attitudes to mental health. Project reference number S250

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Cork CHO Area 4 €104,000 2010
West Cork Mental Health Services HSE

This family and user-led project supported 20 people in crisis to stay in their own homes as an alternative to in-patient respite care. Over the course of the project, 44 staff, 11 family members, 150 community group members, eight people and one trainer received training in Open Dialogue, "Train the Trainer' and Behavioural Family Therapy. Project reference number 53

Mental Health
Alternative Respite
Cork CHO Area 4 €54,500 2011
West Galway Mental Health Services

This project provided training for 10 staff in behavioural family therapy to support the families of people with mental health difficulties. Staff reported that the training was beneficial and lends itself to working in mental health care where family input is encouraged, to develop support networks and to work together towards recovery. Project reference number 2422 

Mental Health
Capacity Building
Galway CHO Area 2 €12,500 2013
Western Care Association

The project worked with seven school leavers with disabilities and provided  work placements, recreational activities and training. Seven of the participants took part in various training modules and work placements in their areas of interest. On completion of the project, five people had become employed or self-employed. Project reference number 1445

Disability Mayo CHO Area 2 €108,000 2012
Western Care Association

This project supported 12 people with intellectual disabilities who were living in group residential settings to move to their own homes in the community. By working with each person in an individualised way, a tailored plan was developed to support them on their journey. Eight people moved during the course of the project and four others were supported to continue the transition. Project reference number S123


Community Living
Mayo CHO Area 2 €100,000 2010
Western Care Association

This project offered alternative methods of providing families with a break from their caring role, empowering families and allowing children to remain within their own community. Respite was provided for 23 people, while four staff and two family members received training on positive, inclusive future planning for children. Project reference number 47

Alternative Respite
Mayo CHO Area 2 €50,000 2011
Western Care Association

This project supported five school leavers with disabilities to experience community-based training, work placements, recreational activities, social roles and community connections.  All five took part in training and work experience based on their employment interests and two people secured full time employment. Project reference number 942

Supporting Young People
Mayo CHO Area 2 €80,000 2012
Western Care Association

This project offered individually tailored, community-based or home-based respite options to five people. Each person was carefully matched with the respite option in order to meet their wishes and needs. This demonstrates the various respite options available within the community. Project reference number 943

Alternative Respite
Mayo CHO Area 2 €10,000 2012
Wexford Adult Mental Health Services - Occupational Therapy Dept.

This project utilised the Individual Placement and Support model, which emphasises job placement first, followed by support and training in order to facilitate an individualised pathway to meaningful vocation for people with mental health difficulties. The second strand of this project developed a Wellness at Work group programme to support 17 people to maintain their wellness in work situations. Project reference number 3755

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Wexford CHO Area 5 €37,166 2014
Wexford Adult Mental Health Services - Occupational Therapy Dept.

This project employed a vocational support officer to facilitate individualised pathways to employment and maintaining vocational goals for eight people with mental health difficulties. Project reference number 2416

Mental Health
Supporting Work
Wexford CHO Area 5 €35,332 2013

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