Genio places a high priority on being accountable and on providing independently measured impact. Since 2008 we have spent over €2m on research and evaluation, much of which has been undertaken by researchers at universities and research institutes. In addition, we have developed a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system to extract and collate the learning from all projects funded through Genio. Our focus is on producing findings that demonstrate the impact on people’s lives and services; and that help inform key decision makers in allocating resources and budgets to best effect.
Service Reform Fund Action Research Programme
Action Research is a best practice approach to informing the rollout of complex change efforts where problems are intertwined and there are strong, differing views across stakeholders about the nature of the problem and how to address it. Action research under the Service Reform Fund (SRF), is focused on resolving implementation challenges as they emerge and informing the choices of programme leaders.
Commissioned research
We commission independent research in areas such as moving to independent living and community-based dementia supports. This programme is dynamic and responsive to opportunities which arise within our work. Findings from this research are disseminated to service commissioners, policy makers, used to inform advocacy and to refine our funding process.
Monitoring and evaluation undertaken by the Genio team
All projects receiving support through Genio are monitored and supported by our programme managers and receive at least two to three on-site visits annually throughout the life of the projects (more in some cases). Over the course of these visits quantitative and qualitative information is collected on the progress of the project overall (organisationally) and of the individual beneficiaries. Challenges and barriers are identified and addressed and financial monitoring of expenditure against agreed budgets is also carried out.
Research & Evidence
Monitoring, research, evaluation and promotion of examples of
national and international cutting-edge practice are critical
to transforming services and demonstrating impact.